5 tips for helping the elderly - Millennium India Education Foundation

5 tips for helping the elderly

Helping your parents through old age needs a lot of patience. We already talked about the many issues that may arise in old age with respect to health.

Here are some tips that will help you with taking care of your loved ones.

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1. Take it slowly: Taking care of an old person is more a marathon than a sprint. Do not rush it and accept that things have changed.

2. Don’t expect them to change at this age: There’s a chance that they might stick to their crazy- because they’re used to things in a different way- after all don’t you think it’s harder to change as we grow older? So better to have no expectations and be surprised than to argue over small issues.

3. Ask their advice: Asking their advice for something going on in your life is a great way to show them your love and respect and to make them feel that they are still of true value to you.

4. Give them their autonomy: Try to offer your parents options instead of orders. Don’t make them feel as if you’re running their lives.

5. Take care of yourself: Finally, to serve them better, you need to take care of yourself and not get exhausted, physically or mentally, at any point of time.

Old age is a phase of their lives where they need a lot of love and care. You owe it to them. What do you do differently?

Take good care of them and have a fun weekend!

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