When people speak, do you listen? How much of what’s communicated do you grasp? Here are some tips that will help you hone your listening skills.

1. Maintain proper body language: Your body language reveals your interest or disinterest in a story. When actively listening to someone, lean slightly forward and make eye contact. A simple smile and the occasional nod will show that you’re interested and engaged.
2. Stay engaged: Keep your mind focused on the person you’re listening to, especially when in a busy environment. Keep off distractions.
3. Resist the urge to interrupt: It can be very tempting to interrupt and make your point when someone is speaking, but it is rude. Let the person finish and wait a few seconds before you start just to make sure that the person is done.
4. Ask questions: Asking questions shows that you have an active interest in what they’re saying.
5. Practice empathetic listening: Listen not only with your ears, but with your eyes and your heart. You don’t have to necessarily agree with the speaker, but imagine how he or she feels. Put yourself in another person’s shoes to fully understand their point of view.
We hope you have great conversations in the coming days! Have a happy weekend!