We are so glad to announce that this online platform IS addictive! That means, we find immense value in creating content for you all. Thank you for all your encouragement. And, we are looking forward to having new writers and opinion leaders who can share their ideas and opinions on different topics ranging from health, environment, science, education and the youth! In short, we seek ideas from you! 🙂

We want you to look at MIEF as a platform to unleash your social creativity, talk and discuss and question all that we’re doing right, and all that we are not (as a culture, country, you choose whichever level you like :)). We already told you how we enjoy working with young people, but there is no age limit on it, so we welcome anyone to apply and share their ideas with us!
It’s easy-peasy. Write to us on Facebook or email us at mief2@gmail.com or info@mief.in and submit your ideas. We promise to spread them like wild fire, oh well, we hope to 🙂

After all, why keep a great idea just to your self? 🙂 This is everyone’s chance to be social and share, not in a meeting room where no one’s listening, but with a younger, inspired audience and that too in a risk-free environment!