MIEF project: Science popularization in youth - Millennium India Education Foundation

MIEF project: Science popularization in youth

working with college youth
MIEF working with college youth

In the recently concluded Indian social science congress at AMU, Ms. Suman Shrivastava, director Healing Touch Research and Rehabililation Centre shared a few notes with the audience on “Popularization of Science for Indian Youth“. She had some great insights, and we wanted to share a few of those for our broader reader base.

How can youth be involved and we do we need to ensure building a scientific knowledge network

  • Government and private players to invest in the stimulation  and development of the scientific  temper in the youth
  • The youth can play a critical role with their scientific innovations as they are concerned with efforts to generate an indigenous scientific and technological culture.
  • If the youth are given responsibility along with facilities, they can become producers of knowledge  for which there is domestic as well as international demand. They can become creators of knowledge societies  of  progress, that  evolves  towards  progress.
  • We need to make available resources and material, to integrate formal education and communication with informal efforts in both fields, academic discourse with colloquial language, and laboratory materials with domestic objects and ordinary daily inputs
  • It is critical to have , access to knowledge as it  is synonymous with development. Scientific and technological literacy and resources as a tool
  • Create and  provide a platform for a  hands-on experimental activities; science is, after all, an experimental endeavour.
science popularization activity for college youth
science popularization activity for college youth

Key strategies  for building  wide capacities in science and technology for the youth

  • Activities aimed at the popularization of science and technology point in various directions, from the ‘distribution’ of information in the mass media to formal education

  • Activities leading to the popularization of science and technology based on free  & fair,  interdisciplinary dialogue and work, integrating diverse fields of knowledge and different theoretical and methodological approaches

  • The popularization of science and technology is a process of communicating and appropriating scientific and technological knowledge aimed at broad sectors of the population

  • Experimental science centers should be set for both rural and urban youth

  • To encourage & train teachers in developing teaching aids for science instruction with a view to improve the quality of school science education

  • To facilitate and provide research facilities for pursuing basic and applied research, including giving additional marks/ credits to students for any development in science and technology

  • To organize seminars, science based contests, science exhibitions, science camps, regular sky observation, popular lectures, meet your medical expert, training programs and workshops of students, teachers

We hope you guys can take some key insights from this as well, let’s open up our creative mindsets and be creative and scientific ! 🙂

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