Finnish Education system is considered to be one of the best in the world. Having 100% literacy rate, Finland is definitely a country to emulate when it comes to the education system.
Here are some reasons why they’re doing so good in the field of education:
1. Children start schooling at the age of seven.
2. There are only 12 students per teacher.
3. No homework and few exams until teenage.
4. All teachers must have a masters degree.
5. Education system is completely state-funded.
6. Teachers are granted a large degree of autonomy.
7. Students get 75 minute break time a day.
8. No grade retention or expulsions.
9. High quality pre-schooling.
10. Strong teacher unions.

There is no tuition fees and fully subsidised meals are also provided to full time students. The education system consists of day care programs, preschool, a nine-year compulsory basic comprehensive school starting at age 7 and ending at fifteen, post-compulsory secondary education, higher education, and adult education. There are 17 universities and 27 universities of applied sciences in Finland. The Education Index, published with the UN’s Human Development Index in 2008, based on data from 2006, lists Finland as 0.993, amongst the highest in the world, tied for first with Denmark, Australia and New Zealand.
All these things make Finnish Education system worth emulating, especially for countries like India. “When you know better, you do better!”
We had this up today to understand what India can take away from a system like this. What are the issues we need to think through. While our population has restrictions, however, nothing stops us from having such unusual quality of teachers and allowing better environments for learning. Instead of having a thousand crore scams, imagine if all that money was spent on education? What a great vision that would be!
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