We’re proud to be celebrating the world water day with Prakriti Kumb, 2016 in partnership with the Hansraj College, New Delhi. Various competitions including debates, slogan writing, quizzes, photography and other creative competitions will be held for college students. The events will be held at Hansraj College on March 16th and will begin at 10 a.m.
More details are attached in the posted below. Do come forth and help us engage in an interesting dialog for the environment! Let’s stay green.
For your knowledge, here are a few statistics on water in the world to understand why this is a priority issue for our health and environment
Why is the World Water Day Important?
- At least 1.8 billion people world-wide are estimated to drink water that is faecally contaminated. (WHO/ UNICEF report)
- 663 million people – 1 in 10 – lack access to safe water (WHO/ UNICEF report)
- 443 million school days are lost each year due to water-related diseases (UNDP)
- In developing countries, 80% illnesses are linked to poor water and sanitation conditions (UN)
- Every $1 invested in water and sanitation, can have an economic return of $3 and $34! (WHO)
- 1/3 of all schools lack access to safe water and adequate sanitation globally (WHO/ UNICEF report)
- The World Economic Forum named water as the #1 global risk based on impact to society (WEF)
Did you realize how much impact water has on our lives and the progress we need to make to improve the state in so many parts of the developed world? Do you have ideas that can help? Come and share your experiences. Each idea and drop counts!