We started conversations as a part of our online initiative to speak with people who are just in one word: inspiring. This month again, we bring you our inspiration for the month- Amit Joshi. Amit has been featured in several health magazines and events specially in this year, prominently for being able to stay in a great state of fitness, inspite of being diabetic at a young age. Amit was diagnosed as a diabetic, came back from the brink of blindness, and fought back while almost about to get into coma given his very high sugar values. Here’s more from 31 year old Amit, in his words- a writer, coach, mentor, fitness model, actor, reader, jester, and above all to us -especially- a great inspiration.
- Amit Joshi: A health inspiration
Mief question 1: We see many young people ‘stumble upon’ health only if they fall sick. Your health and fitness at a young age inspires us. What inspired you to take it up a healthy lifestyle so vigorously?
Amit: I always considered myself fit as I use to go to the gym at least twice a week and try to watch out for my calories but like all other youngsters I also suffered from “taking your body for granted syndrome” . I was partying all the time, eating junk, drinking a lot of beer and sleeping less. My diagnosis of diabetes at the young age of 30 really came as a curve ball. Now I only had to ways to deal with it accept it or keep on doing a “why me lord why me analysis”. I went through the whole cycle of depression but I came up as soon as I went down.
Some times to take your biggest leap you really need to hit rock bottom as it gives you a real firm grip on the ground for your launch. It took diagnosis of diabetes, losing my job and the end of my relationship to stir up a whirlpool inside of me, a strong urge to just break through or die trying. I had always been a fighter but this series of unfortunate events acted like a metamorphosis for my next big change.
I decided to just concentrate on one goal “to become the fittest diabetic in the nation”. I had a goal I made a plan and I executed it through, the result was Men’s Health actually giving me the title of “the fittest diabetic in the land” in their May edition and me being the only diabetic around the world to become a finalist at FIT FACTOR 2014. Today I stand as a fitness coach and an inspiration to a lot of young diabetics around the world who want to take up fitness modelling professionally. So I was inspired by the unfortunate events in my life and the need to prove to myself my own self worth.
- The Healthiest Diabetic in India: Amit Joshi
MIEF question 2: Many young people tend to believe that to be able to get fit, they need to focus on ‘fad diets’. What is your belief on healthy eating?
Amit: Healthy to me means eating real foods, feeling strong and in control, being well rested, and feeling happy. Some things are beyond your own control, like genetic diseases but other things are within your control. I try to eat balanced food groups everyday and minimize sugars and Carbs. Healthy means fitting exercise into your life on a regular basis doing something you really enjoy. Balancing your life between work and rest/recreation leads to a balance of mind and body. When I eat well and exercise often, I feel healthy and confident. Consuming a variety of real, foods that are provided to us by nature. This includes plenty of fresh produce as well as humanely raised animal products, seafood, nuts/seeds, and some grains (millets, Indian millet, jwar, etc)
I want all my young readers to understand what I mean by REAL FOODS:
• Whole foods that typically only have 1-ingredient like “brown rice” or no ingredient label at all like fruits and vegetables!
• Packaged foods generally made with no more than 5 unrefined ingredients.
• Organic dairy products like whole milk, unsweetened yogurt, eggs, and cheese.
• Breads and crackers that are 100% whole-grain.
• Locally and humanely raised meat like chicken, pork, beef, and lamb.
• Dried fruits, nuts, and seeds.
• Naturally made sweeteners including honey
• Foods that are more a product of nature “than a product of chemicals”
My advice to all office goers Eat FIVE different coloured raw vegetables and fruits every day and have 5 egg whites in a day , eat many times in small portions not large quantities train your tummy that way and do drink 3 ltrs of water a day. Stay away from sugar as much as possible.
Let’s understand what are NOT my definitions of REAL FOOD:
• Labelled as “low fat” or “low carb” or “low calorie” (in most cases).
• Made with refined or artificial sweeteners like sugar or aspartame.
• Deep fried in refined oils , Ghee, Butter
• Foods made from refined grains like white flour (Maida, Corn, any such fine flavour) which is often labelled as “wheat flour” without the word “whole” in front of it.
• In packages with loads of ingredients, some of which you cannot pronounce or would not cook with in your own kitchen.
• Highly processed foods that are labelled as organic (like organic cheddar crackers, organic cookies, or organic candy).
• Most of the stuff you get in the in and out store of petrol pumps etc.
MIEF question 3: On a daily basis, how do you inspire yourself? And what tips would you give other young people to not give up and keep at it?
Amit: Sometimes I look for inspiration in myself and sometimes I find it in the world outside. Something as little as an old man riding a cycle inspires me. The point is not what inspires me the points is “do I have the eyes and the heart to understand how grateful I am for this life that has been given to me and how lucky I am to be living the life I have” . If we just take 5 minutes every morning to respect this life that you have taken for granted the world would be a lot more fitter. I am always looking around for inspiration that’s why I am always inspired.
MIEF question 4: In your mind, what’s your greatest health achievement so far?
Amit: My greatest triumph so far has to be my victory over diabetes, yes you cannot cure it but you can bring it down to almost average levels. I have full control over my diabetes because of my fitness regime and healthy eating. I in fact am at my fittest; I never felt so strong, energetic and ripped in my entire life. My sugar levels are almost the same as an average person without diabetes, all thanks to an iron will, a goal plan , and healthy eating . Everything is possible; you just need to wish it bad.
Thank you Amit! We can’t help being inspired by what Amit’s story and all the ideas he has shared with us. We very enthusiastic about sharing his words with everyone. There are no excuses now.
Be Happy, Be inspired. We wish you all a healthy week!
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