Today, we thought we need to revisit some of our new year resolutions to see where we have reached.

Specifically to work with young people, we wanted to have them interact more using the MIEF online platform as guests authors or even as ‘young experts’. We would like to improve strongly in our outreach to young guest writers. However, the good news is that thankfully we have been able to connect with a few people (in our inspiration of the month series) and we are currently in touch with many new and interesting young people for their stories! Keep looking out for that!
We find it particularly interesting because of the following three reasons:
- India has a very young Internet population, with 75% in the age bracket 15-34 years versus 52% in the same age bracket worldwide. This population is also very ‘engaged’ online with India having the highest numbers worldwide for Whatsapp and the second highest for Facebook. This is great for us as a country and especially for a social platform like ours. We plan to interact with young Indians online and have them share their thoughts for social causes on these mediums!
- For awareness building, we feel the push has to come from the youth. We believe that is the future of the country. Look at the poll statistics this time. About 1/5th of the voters an astonishing 150 million are voting for the first time! 50% of the overall population is below 30 years! To us this is a great opportunity and imagine how many people we can touch and work together with to raise scientific and social awareness!
- Internally, we also have an additional reason for wanting to work with young people. They give us hope, we believe their idealism and inspiration is contagious! We visualise great things for the world working closely with them. They represent a great bright future, don’t you think?
This is not to say that we think anyone is too old to contribute, but we like to catch ’em kids young! 🙂
How are you doing on your new year resolutions? 🙂